Best Copy Trading Wallet Analyisis Tips For Beginners
In this article we’ll just go straight to the tips, if you’re here I believe you’re a copy trader or just someone interested in on-chain activities who already tried wallet analyisis but isn’t getting good results, here are some tips to improve your wallet analyisis.
Utilize Tools: Save Time
Use Zelfiguru and dexscreener to make wallet searching easy, do not use explorers, they are harder to navigate thereby leading to no result for beginners and so much time wasted for advanced users, use dexscreener to find wallets that can be considered “profitable” (In quote because not every profitable wallet is good for copytrading, they might be snipers, devs wallet even validators) then Zelfiguru to know if they are trying worth copying.
Use these resources to learn how to use the tools mentioned:
Zelfiguru Solana Wallet Analyisis Guide:
Zelfiguru Solana Wallet Analyisis Guide: Coming Soon
Dexscreener Finding wallets Guide
Wallet Searching Phase
- Prioritize wallets that have not withdrawn their entire balance for potential copy trading opportunities.
- Look for wallets with a balanced number of purchases and sales.
- Consider the average entry amount and the number of unique tokens a wallet interacts with.
- Look for wallets with an average of 3.5X (for shitcoins) or more whale Traders 2.5X or more, so you can equally enter and exit with profit too.
- Be cautious of wallets with a small number of transactions or a young age.
Wallet Profiling
- Identify the type of trader and the coins they trade by categorizing these wallets into three
• Meme, utility, farm (to know the category check their profile description on dexscreener)
• Create a sub category for market range (For the average MCap range the trader loves to buy at and Average ETH, SOL, Base position size in the USD)
• Leave some space to make a Pros and Cons note about each wallet.
Who Are You Looking For?
- Take note of wallets that consistently enter trades at safe points and exit with profits.
- Identify 'snipers' who enter trades in the first seconds of a coin’s launch, but don’t sell almost immediately as good wallets.
- Take note of wallets that sell in ladders.
- Wallets that know how to cut thier loses before getting rekt
- The wallet in profit. Access the profitability of each transaction within a wallet and not just the multipliers (2x) winrates are OVERRATED if they are still losing alot of money, they need to be in "USD" profit 😅
Wallet Trading Analyisis (Entry And Exit)
- Analyze the wallet’s entry points in relation to market corrections and peaks.
- Determine if the wallet’s trading chart looks safe and has short-term drawdowns for entry points.
- Check for wallets that enter trades at a deep and exit with a profit.
Avoid This ❌❎
- Avoid wallets that show a pattern of entering trades at peaks and exiting during drawdowns.
- Avoid wallets that trade primarily in meme coins due to higher risk.
After Analyisis
- Monitor wallets for consistent profitability before copy trading.
- Continuously monitor selected wallets to adapt to their trading patterns.